Nobody loves puppies

more than Delhi,

But did you know…?



Once a female dog is “of age” she could have up to three litters in a year? On average a female dog can give birth to over 16 puppies in just one year. Furthermore, male dogs can start procreating as early as 6 months and can sire unlimited litters. Only 20 percent of puppies in India make it to their first birthday.

Spay and neutering street dogs is the most humane way to stabilize stray animal populations. Each spay and neuter costs approximately $15 to $30 per dog. Every month Delhi the Street Dog Foundation will be raising funds for a specific spay and neuter campaign in India.

In May of 2019 we launched our first spay and neuter campaign. We only raised funds to sterilize 12 dogs but this made us realize how much of an impact just spaying or neutering one dog could have on a community.

We knew we wanted to be apart of something bigger. That is when we decided to partner up with Dogs of Delhi: Spay and Neuter. Together we are hoping that we can create puppy free zones and help create a positive relationship between street dogs and the communities that they live in.

But, we cannot do this without the support of our followers.
